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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Casey's Gift

Casey asked me Sunday, if I was going to volunteer at our church to help out at this summers bible school for ages 5 years old through 5th grade. I've never been fond of little kids. I substitute high school age kids, and only high school kids, since finding out how little I like younger kids after subbing for them for about three years.
I asked him if he thought that I'd be any good at that, knowing how I didn't like them and how I use to tend to make them cry so much when I subbed those ages.
Casey said "You should be, you led me to Christ when I was younger". This stopped me. I asked him what he was talking about. He told me that I was the one that always prayed with him, read to him from the Word, and when he was ready to give his heart to Christ, that I was the one that lead him in prayer.
I'm sorry to say that I don't specifically remember that prayer, but I suffer from a medical condition that takes many of my memories from me.
But when Casey told me this, and that he remembered it clearly, I cried.
This is possibly the best thing that Casey has ever given me.
To know, that I am the one that led my son to Christ, seeing what a great Christian this young man is, humbles me beyond description.
Thank you, God, for allowing me to be the one to share this priceless gift with my son.

I ask You to forgive me of my sins. I want to come before You, clean and washed in the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
I thank You for Your forgiveness and for Your love by which I am able to have hope for all of my tomorrows, and for all of my children's tomorrows. I know, that You alone save. I thank You, Father, that You allow us the priviledge to lead others to You. That they, too, shall know You, and love You and live forever with You.
In all things, I thank You and I give You, and You alone, praise and glory. In Christ's name I pray, Amen.